Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm in a horrible mood right now. I can hardly believe that I am going to waste (yes, WASTE) 12 hours in drama practice when Ms Engie so 'politely' threw us out when she didn't need us. Aka the crew/stagehands. Bloody hell, not forgetting to count in the hours we sacrificed after school to wait for practice to start at 4pm to find out that she didn't need us and she dismissed us with a wave of her hand. Can you imagine ending school at 1430 and then having lunch and having to wait for 1 and a half hours for that coach to come and then she just asks you very RUDELY to get out of practice when she doesn't need you? And when she does BAM you're supposed to materialise in front of her face.
Screw her attitude.
And to think we're working for a gold. And Ms D questions whoever doesn't want a gold get jolly well quit on the spot. Well, sign me on, I want to leave, but could I? NO, cos I'm a bloody exco, like I wanted to be one anyway. I've been trying to leave this stupid CCA since last year, but could I - no, everland was priority. This year? NO, syf is priority. And I could've left this bloody CCA only if the timing was right, if I wasn't made exco and if I could have heartlessly left SYF hanging. But No, seniors tell me, stay for the sake of Mr koh, because we still believe that one day, he will come back.
And did I mention my utter disgust at the junior's attitudes?
Bloody little pricks we only show you attitude and no respect. I don't remember being so difficult to the seniors. Hope you little asses out there get your ideas right and start showing respect.
And I'm totally contradicting myself because I'm showing measely amounts of respect to the drama teachers and coach, but it's true that they're bloody unreasonable. Don't even get me started on Mdm Chng and how she hates the seniors. It's a conspiracy, her and the juniors, just to di siao all the seniors into quitting. Stop trying to force us into letting you be in charge of drama. Cos it's not just me who doesn't like you, so please, STOP BEING OVERLY DRAMATIC like for who-knows-what reasons. Don't tell, we are not interested. Ok, thanks.
Fuck rehearsals tomorrow.
And please, we will not get a gold or a gold-with honors. What a joke. The school's been around for like how long? And we have never had a gold for any aesthetics CCA, so why are we so different.
La-dee-frickin-da, see all those poor people who are attending drama tomorrow, including me.

ldfd, fynn.