First off, I’m going to be a myth buster. You know when you see in either comics/cartoons that a character kicks a coconut and it flies off to
The coconut is a bloody heavy thing. So as a warning, don’t sit under coconut trees, and don’t kick a coconut. They are rock solid. I promise you 101% they are solid balls of tropical juice.
First, I crack my back, now my toe. What next?
Had a great day with J and B.
Sat around a bit in J’s house and played with the little girl. She is so adorable, but J bullies her like crazy. Had much laughs with everyone back home. Very interesting/entertaining/heartwarming.
Trained to Sentosa.
Had lunch.
Blah Blah Blah.
Went back to J8 to buy tic-tac. -)
My toe hurts now.