001. Real name - Tessa
002. Nickname(s) - Pole
003. Status - Itchy nose
004. Zodiac sign - Bitch
005. Male or female - F
006. Elementary - Raffles Girl's ps
007. Middle School - Kuo Chuan Presbyterian ss
008. High School - Niam.
010. Hair color - Dyed
011. Long or short - Short
012. Loud or Quiet - Noise pollution
013. Sweats or Jeans - Jeans
014. Phone or Camera - Camera SLR
015. Health freak - Not at all
016. Drink or Smoke? - Niam.
017. Do you have a crush on someone? - Nada.
018. Eat or Drink - Both
019. Piercings - 3
020. Tattoos - 0
(where's 21, 22)
023. First piercing - Pair
024. First best friend Kylie
025. First award - Art
026. First crush - Casey
027. First pet - Alsatian
028. First big vacation - Malaysia
(where's 29)
030. First big birthday - 1st.
(Where's 31-48)
049. Eating - Mars
050. Drinking - Saliva
052. I’m about to - Fart
053. Listening to - Wo de meng
054. Plans for today - Sneeze
055. Waiting for - Something to happen
(where's 56,57)
058. Want kids? - Maybe
059. Want to get married? - Maybe
060. Careers in mind - Psycho(logist)
(Where's 61-67)
068. Lips or eyes - Eyes are the window to their soul
(Where's 69)
070. Shorter or taller? - Taller
(where's 71)
072. Romantic or spontaneous - Both
073. Nice stomach or nice arms - Uhm.
074. Sensitive or loud - Sensitive
075. Hook-up or relationship - R
(where's 76)
077. Trouble maker or hesitant - Both
(Where's 78,79)
080. Lost glasses/contacts - Nada
081. Ran away from home - Yes
082. Hold a gun/knife for self defense - Yes
083. Killed somebody - No.
084. Broken someone’s heart - Duh
085. Been arrested -Uhm.
(where's 86)
087. Cried when someone died - Y
(Where's 88)
089. Yourself - Sometimes
090. Miracles - Yes
091. Love at first sight - Lust
092. Heaven - Y
093. Santa Claus - Y
094. Sex on the first date - N
095. Kiss on the first date - Y
( where's 96)
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now - (:
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life - Maybe
099. Do you believe in God - 101 %
100. Where is 100.