Saturday, January 31, 2009


A: I'm Antisocial.
B: I can be a Bitch.
C: Cranky is common.
D: I think Devious thoughts.
E: I'm labeled as Evil.
F: I have Friends as well as enemies.
G: God.
H: Harsh-temper
I: There's always an 'I' in everything I do.
J: Very easily Jealous.
K: I Kill joy when I'm pissed.
L: Life/ Love/ Lust
M: Morons can be tolerated or deleted from my life.
N: No means no, unless I gave you a chance to change my mind.
O: I tend to Overreact.
P: Pills are not drugs to me.
Q: I Question things too often.
R: I get Restless when I dislike something.
S: I don't like people who Suck-up.
T: I am very Territorial, people who copy (any part of me, including my words) or steal my friends or purposely behave in any way like I do (specifically) are pretty much asking for it.
U: I can be extremely Unforgiving, depending on the circumstances.
V: Valentines holds hardly any meaning to me.
W: My Wit annoys many.
X: I 'X' people from my life the moment they do something unforgivable.
Y: You
Z: I need many hours of (Zzzz) through the week.