Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hello. I just had a sudden rush to do reflections, even though it’s like 12:52 in the AM and I should be in bed cos there’s church tomorrow and ya da ya da ya da.

  1. I should be nicer to people, because nobody likes a mean girl.
  2. I should pray more and welcome the Holy Spirit into my life more often, not just during camps.
  3. I should respect my seniors/elders (Even if sometimes they really don’t deserve it!)
  4. I will persevere, work harder, bite my lips and face life.
  5. I want to take random Polaroid photos with my friendzzz even though film costs a bomb and I don’t know what to do with them
  6. Brainstorm for the competition
  7. Start on the competition cos the due date is LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY!

OK, that’s about all the sudden random thought I had. Yeahhhh, so, goodnight. Kay, it’s 12:57 AM now.


(End of  5 minutes reflection post)