Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hohoho, what's this?
Why yes, SCHOOL'S STARTING TOMORROW. Time to say hello to attire checks, strict rules, screamings, bitchings and the endless toil of lesson. Joy, really, oh the yippe-doodle-doo for school.
If it wasn't for friends, I really wouldn't know why I bothered to drag myself to school every morning.
Alright, for all of you out there who have been wondering why I disappeared from the face of the blogging world for 2 days, I had hardcore drama and my dad was gaming on my desktop system.
I don't even want to blog about what a bitch drama was, and still is and dirty my 'clean(ahem)-blog image'. Yeeeeeeahhh, I'm clean.
Anyway, still recovering from Ha + poisoning + cramps. Hope it doesn't hurt tomorrow. Gahhhh, and I have to go to school myself tomorrow cos Sarah has to reach by 7.15, and I'm a bad friend, too lazy to wake up. Too lazyyyyyy~.
On the other hand,it's last day of tuition today until April and I got my phone, I'm on starhub now. I hope my phone doesn't spoil long before September 3rd week. So if it does by then, I can get a phone for my birthday. Materialistic, bad bad.

OK, back to elearning and whatever crap I have to rush before school starts tomorrow.