Thursday, January 29, 2009

Honey, get it all wrong

Open your heart, and jump into the void. Oh, how I hate writing about love in sadness, but life comes arrayed with an eclectic selection of masks you choose to put over your face every day. I guess I have finally lost myself hiding behind and living life as if it were a pantomime.
I miss you, I hate you.
And I can hardly believe how close we once were, and how I told you everything. All the comfort, promises, love. Just to numb myself out, I've been sleeping, but it's not really helping because I always dream of you, all the flashbacks start and when I wake up, it's the next morning to survive all over again. Not to mention all the times we passed by in the hallways- you didn't say hi, did you even notice me? And I'm so tired of having to guess if you even remember me, I used to hold a place in your heart.
Honey, what they say is so true.
People in love get it all wrong, but at least they're not lonely.