Friday, February 20, 2009

Poignant tales

Most people I know go all out to do their thing, like some who have a passion with music join the band, those who like to sing join the choir, those who like things military kick-ass style join the npcc, those who aspire to save lives join the red cross and those who want to be sportsmen join soccer, basketball and track. Am I doing what I want to? Damn, just feels like I lost my direction. I guess it's true that life can change your paths even when you have nothing planned. Things which made sense before, they hardly make sense now. Those aspiration which I had as a kid seems like far-away and distant memories. The passion I had seems to have faded. Perhaps life really is just a poignant tale of was, were and had-beens. And when we look-back, we'll either be ashamed of all the hoo-ha we caused, smile at sweet memories or be completely broken by our sadness and regret.
