Saturday, February 21, 2009


I realize it's been a long time, really. And I just wanted you to remember that I'm still here, you're still my best friend through thick and thin and no matter what happens, I'll stick around. (Whether you want me there or not, ) and I know I haven't been the most ideal person for the past 2 months or so, and I feel really, really guilty.

I don't know why these feeling suddenly sparked off again. It's just that something reminded me of you. I wonder if anything reminded you of me. Regardless, this is another one of the many times which I just feel like dedicating a whole post to you, just to celebrate the simple truth of knowing you. You're awesome, just remember that.

(I'm too lazy to dictate out everything you've done, and besides, it'll be too obvious)
1636'2008- Get it?