Sunday, March 15, 2009

7 days in a week

My computer is backkkk! Although I had to survive a very sad 2 days without it and I could not rant about how shiity drama was on Friday – I love my computer, it is back. I missed you.  Gahh, now I know what people mean when they die without technology. It was like going cold-turkey on technology and internet instead of drugs. Terrible, terrible! But I’m ok now, because I’m back online. thumbs_up
Fortunately, it is not the March holidays, the well-deserved 9 days of hallowed rest, which I only have 7 days of it left. Zomg, the weekends went by fast. I’m waiting for my tuition teacher now, which explains why I’m on the computer at this hour.

BTW, I will probably be slugging through this holiday with CCA (wtf) training for 2,4 (wtfx2) photographs (maybe) and the oxymoronic thing called holiday homework.

[Jit] says:
bio elearn
ss elearn
poa elearn
chemistry elearn
poa wksht
ss source based question
thats all i think

Yes, that is ALOT. Alright, sucks, I know. And CCA. I heard from KK Barker practice is till 11pm on Friday. Crazy shit.
Anw, I believe tuition teacher’s here. So I gotta jet. airplane